Chiropractic Care
Enjoy Better Function and Stay Healthier
Chiropractic is a system of integrative medicine based on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignments, or subluxations, of the joints. Chiropractors look at the body as a whole, understanding that a symptom in one area doesn't always mean that's where the problem is coming from. Reflex and muscle testing are used to determine where nerve communication is diminished, while X-rays show us structural issues. Together these tests give us a big picture view of what is happening inside the body, and how to correct it. Diminished nerve function caused by subluxation will negatively effect the muscles and even organs of the body. Imagine a line of communication where one participant is sleeping; Instructions going out and feedback coming in will begin to suffer.
​Correction happens over time, as gentle manipulative adjustments are used to return the vertebra, pelvis and other bones to their correct alignment. This process takes more or less time based on the severity of misalignment, degree of degeneration in the joints, and how much time has passed since dysfunction and symptoms began.
The benefits of chiropractic treatment are many. They can include:
increased joint mobility
stronger muscles
reduced inflammation and pain
reduced stress
improved energy
boosted immune system function
improved sleep quality
At Luminous Chiropractic, our mission is to restore the body to a state of balance which allows true healing to take place. The stresses of daily life coupled with injuries both minor and/or major lead to compensations within the body. These compensations left unchecked create restriction, more imbalance, and ultimately pain as the body does its best to keep you stable. At Luminous, we treat the whole body, starting with the base (your feet!) and moving up through the pelvis and spine. As we unwind all the compensations and spinal tension your body has created, you will find better movement, less pain, and an illuminated path towards wellness. Give us a call to start your journey toward better health today!